Event by Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster

    Bioscience Cluster Technology Network Workshop

    This event is open for researchers and research leaders within the biomedical field. Priority will be given to researchers from the Copenhagen Area, with an intend of stimulating the collaborations across existing organizations and research areas. The Copenhagen Bioscience Technology Network Workshop has the goal to create and forster a strong network of technology-based platforms and facilities in the Greater Copenhagen biosciences research community. We aim to bring together core facility and technology platform staff, junior and senior scientists that use the facilities, as well as researchers interested and involved in the advancement of technologies for basic and translational research. The event will provide a perfect platform among the participants to discuss current practices and services, future visions, and opportunities for synergies between the platforms and institutions. A strong line up of invited keynote speakers from the technology and service section of science will provide stimuli to sharpen and advance the discussion among the attendees.

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    30-01 Sep-Oct 2021


    Rainer Pepperkok PhD, Senior Scientist & Director of Core Facilities EMBL Heidelberg
    Janna Saarela Director of Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), University of Oslo, Norway
    Olli Kallioniemi Director of Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), Stockholm, Sweden
    Geert van Minnebruggen Head of Science & Technology and Head of Core Facility Program

    Click here to see the full programme

    Who should attend – Day 1 (30 Sept):

    Day 1 is an invitation only event. However, if you are interested  in participating in both days and think day 1 would be relevant for you, please reach out.

    Who should attend – Day 2 (1 Oct):

    We welcome scientists and platform staff who both run core facilities/research technology platform services as well as those who are the active users of such facilities/platforms, and we welcome attendees from our partner institutions and other Danish universities. We aim to provide a healthy mix of senior scientist, platform managers and technology driven researchers to join the technical experts from the Copenhagen Bioscience Cluster. Exchange is key and Denmark is a powerhouse with many great facilites stretched from North to South, East to West.

    Selection criteria:

    We are completely open to who wants to attend. We aim to select an equal range of technologies and institutions while focusing on the fact that the participant should be involved in the daily operations of technologies. A focus will be applied to the fact that we want to gather experts that do offer their technologies in a broad and fair manner, not just to their collaborators.

    All attendees will be required to send a motivation letter/biosketch that includes a summary of responsibilities, challenges, and expectations to the output of the workshop.


    Registration Deadline: 1 September 2021
    Evaluation of applications: Early September 2021
    Applicant notification: 8 September 2021