Cluster Day 2023
Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster is hosting our annual celebration of Novo Nordisk Foundation Grant Holders on Wednesday 8 February 2023 12:30-20:30 at Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark – and we are inviting our largest grant holders and senior-level scientists and innovators working on major grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
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12:30 pm Registration and lunch
1:00 pm Welcome to Cluster Day 2023 by Sofie Singbrant Söderberg, Director, Novo Nordisk Foundation
1:10 pm The Novo Nordisk Foundation Strategy 2030 by Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, CEO, Novo Nordisk Foundation
1:30 pm “Molecular Click Adventures: A Leap from the Shoulders of Giants” by Morten Meldal, 2022 Nobel Prize Laureate, Professor of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
2:30 pm Break
3:00 pm Presentation of the new Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme, Peter Krogstrup
- Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center, Alfred Spormann
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, ReNEW, Kim Bak Jensen
- Centre for Childhood Health, Morten Grønbæk
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Genomic Mechanisms of Disease, Kasper Lage
4:45 pm Breakout Rooms with Novo Nordisk Foundation Areas and new research center leaders
5:45 pm Apéritif in atrium
6:15 pm Visions for the Future of Danish Research:
Christina Egelund (M), Minister for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science
Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen, CEO, Novo Nordisk Foundation
7:00 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Thank you for today!
The purpose of the event is to expand our key stakeholders’ network and opportunities for collaborating with other Novo Nordisk Foundation grant holders, to provide a platform for meeting up with relevant employees at the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and last but not least, to celebrate the fantastic body of researchers and innovators that have been awarded large grants to promote human health and the sustainability of society and the planet.
As for the programme, we have Nobel Prize Laureate Morten Meldal as our Keynote speaker, followed by CEO Mads Krogsgaard Thomsen presenting the strategic focus of the Novo Nordisk Foundation and where we are heading in the coming years. You will also get to know our new Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers joining the Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster and have the opportunity to network with the programme areas of the Foundation.
If you would like to participate in the event, and you have not received an invite, please contact Johan Jansen at
Breakout rooms
The event programme offers a unique opportunity to meet the Novo Nordisk Foundation Programme Areas, network with peers within your field and meet new center-leaders from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers. Please let us know which session you are interested in.
It’s all about carbon
Join us for an introduction and discussion of our opportunities within the green transition and a sustainable society. Be it agriculture, food or climate change mitigation it is all related to how we grow use or dispose carbon, be it in the form of biomass or CO2.
Meet Claus Felby & Alfred Spormann
Medical Science – From Molecule to Man
Please join us to meet key people managing prominent NNF Medical Science centres, NNF Medical Science management, and other relevant NNF co-workers to network, ask questions, and get to know about our strategy.
Meet Martin Ridderstråle, Kim Bak Jensen & Kasper Lage
The fundamental sciences and technologies– underscoring progress in health and sustainability
Please join us to learn more about current activities and opportunities within the natural and technical sciences, both through open competition and through strategic efforts. We welcome your feedback and ideas that may inspire us in engaging in novel activities.
Meet Lene Oddershede & Peter Krogstrup
Managing Obesity and nutritional disorders
Please join us to learn more about our key activities within Obesity and Nutritional Sciences. We develop grants and projects within the obesity area to contribute to a better understanding of the causes of obesity, its prevention and management, and how it causes cardiometabolic disease and other comorbidities. And we develop projects that will provide evidence for how food and nutrition can contribute to prevention of diseases, and nutritional therapy to optimize good health, treat diseases and improve recovery.
Meet Arne Astrup & Morten Grønbæk
How do we translate a research discovery for the benefit of patient and society?
Please join us for a discussion on the possibilities and gaps in the current ecosystem; and a special deep dive on BII and its offerings.
Meet Mikkel Skovborg & Markus J. Herrgård
Global Health Research and Impact Opportunities
Please join us for a brief update on the NNF activities and strategic directions within global health and engage in a discussion on future opportunities with a focus upon partnerships in low- and middle-income countries.
Meet Flemming Konradsen and Paul Franks
Building science capital in Denmark.
How should education from pre-school to university and outreach activities be further developed to strengthen the scientific and technical aspirations, knowledge and competencies at all learning stages in life; and to enable sustainable solutions and adequate behavioural change for a healthy population and sustainable society?
Meet Berith Bjørnholm, Stefania Xella, Maj Leth Espensen, Bente Guldbrandsen & Kim Splittorff
Tuborg Havnevej 19
2900 Hellerup