Event by Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster

    Cluster Days 2021 - Junior

    Cluster Days is an annual networking event for the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant holders. The event consists of two one-day events for respectively Senior and Junior staff. For Senior staff, we refer to this event page. The days offer intense networking, content-specific workshops and inspiration for and by staff at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centres, major Novo Nordisk Foundation investigator grant holders and Steno Diabetes Center researchers. The theme for Junior Cluster Day 2021 is ‘Effective Science Communication’.

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    15 October 2021

    This day is for PhDs and Postdocs.

    Please note that registration is mandatory. Contact Johan Jansen or Laila Schultz from the Novo Nordisk Foundation if you have any questions regarding the event.

    Better to tell a pretty good story than an all-too-good story
    Morten Busch, Senior Lead Scientific Editor, ScienceNews.dk, Novo Nordisk Foundation

    The pressure to get a good story out can be huge. Maybe it is driven by your own need to attract some attention in order to secure funding. Or maybe your boss expects you to increase the media exposure. Or perhaps you have received a call from journalist who wants a front-page story. Therefore, it is always a good idea to know the story in your research and to have prepared yourself for how you’re going to tell that story. With only a few tools you can go a long way. Having a good narrative and some simple, efficient techniques for explaining the difficult stuff will take you really far. Furthermore, if you are conscious of the limits of your research before you engage with the media and journalists, it almost cannot go wrong. With examples from almost 25 years of doing science journalism and communication, Morten will give tips and insights into the dos and don’ts.

    The philosophy of science communication
    Klemens Kappel, Professor at Philosophy and section leader of Department for Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen

    Science communication isn’t just about communicating scientific findings. In fact, science communication covers a range of very diverse activities with very different aims and normative underpinnings. In my presentation, I will charaterise the most important of these and reflect on their feasibility.

    We are what we know
    Lone Frank, Journalist, Author and PhD in Neurobiology

    A talk about how science impacts our culture and our way of thinking about ourselves as humans. Lone Frank tells her personal story of being fascinated by the larger perspective in day to day research and how to use that perspective to capture a lay audience.


    12:00 pm Registration and sandwiches
    12:30 pm Welcome w/ Sofie Singbrandt Söderberg, Senior Programme Lead, PhD
    12:45 pm “Better to tell a pretty good story than an all-too-good story” by Morten Busch, Senior Lead Scientific Editor, ScienceNews.dk, Novo Nordisk Foundation
    1:15 pm “The philosophy of science communication” by Klemens Kappel, Professor at Philosophy and section leader of Department for Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen
    1:45 pm Break
    2:15 pm Workshop: Communicating Science to Different Target Audiences
    5:00 pm Apéritif
    5:30 pm “We are what we know”, Evening lecture with Lone Frank, Journalist, Author and PhD in Neurobiology
    6:15 pm Dinner
    8:30 pm Thank you for a splendid day!
    *Please note that the programme might be subject to changes

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