Copenhagen Bioscience Lecture
The Copenhagen Bioscience Lectures are a series of open lectures for all researchers and other interested in and around the Copenhagen area. Every 4 weeks, on a Thursday evening, you are invited for lectures on themes with a general interest for the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers and bioscience researchers in general. Often there will be a cross-disciplinary focus. The lecture on 11 January 2018 features Jens Nielsen, Professor of Systems Biology at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, who will share his experience on who to build up research groups. What is key to success in this process? How do you develop as a good research leader for your group? How do you mentor your students when they face problems? How do I get grants to support my research and what should I focus on when the group has to communicate key research results in the form of scientific papers? Which journals should I aim to publish in? These and many other questions will be answered during this lecture on research leadership, mentoring, publishing and innovation.
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