Event by Novo Nordisk Foundation Science Cluster

    Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshot - Communicating with the Brain in Health and Disease

    The Copenhagen Bioscience Snapshots are a series of seminar events organized by PhD students of the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme since 2019. The seminars host speakers from different scientific backgrounds aiming to connect a broad audience of scientists. Stay tuned for more seminars coming soon.

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    19 May 2021


    Francesc Villarroya: The secretory role of brown adipose tissue: what it is and why it is important for metabolic health – Institute of Biomedicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

    Dr. Villarroya’s work is focused on studying the molecular mechanisms of mainly brown, beige and white adipocyte metabolism, as well as identifying novel signaling molecules determining organ cross-talk, and how this relates to pathologies such as obesity.


    Josep M. Canals Coll: talk title to be confirmed– Institute of Neurosciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

    Dr. Canals Coll’s work is focused on the  characterization of intrinsic and/or extrinsic factors that participate in the differentiation of stem cells towards estriatal neurons that can replace damaged neurons in Huntington’s disease.


    The virtual seminar will take place on May 19, 15:00-17:00 CET/GMT+2 – on Zoom.

    The event is free and open to all. Find more info and register here to receive the Zoom link ahead of the seminars: https://www.tilmeld.dk/cph-bioscience-snapshot-may-19


    3:00 pm Dr. Francesc Villarroya: The secretory role of brown adipose tissue: what it is and why it is important for metabolic health
    4:00 pm Dr. Josep M. Canals Coll: Talk title to be confirmed
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